Citation - Pennsylvania Journal: 1770.11.22

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Index Entry Actor, Shuter, played Scrub in Southampton theatre, chastized for quip 
Location Southhampton 
22 Nov 1770:22 (1459)
Extract of a letter from Southampton, Sept. 10.  The affair
of the Duke of C-mb-rl-nd is arrived here, by an accident
that happened the other night at the playhouse.  Shuter from
Coven-garden, belongs to the company of players that are now
down here; and performing the part of Scrub, on Tuesday
night last, in that scene with the thieves, when he blunders
and says, "Take my life and spare all I have, " this droll,
by way of being extraordinarily witty, added, "and I'll take
my bible oath I shant stir."  The bon mot as was intended,
caught the gallery, and was ecchoed all over the house with
applause; but unfortunately for him, Colonel H-----------,
who is married to a sister of Lady Grosvenor, happening to
be in one of the boxes, paid his part of the applause with
such a caning on this son of humour, as 'tis thought will
cure him of swearing (at least out of his part) for some

Generic Title Pennsylvania Journal 
Date 1770.11.22 
Publisher Bradford, William and Thomas 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1770 
Bibliography B0039028
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