Citation - Pennsylvania Journal: 1768.12.22

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Index Entry Bagpipe instructions, for sale by Budden, James 
Location Philadelphia 
22 Dec 1768:53 (1359)
Imported in the last vessels from England, and to be sold,
cheap for cash or short credit, by James Budden at his store
in Front Street, a few doors below the London coffee house .
. . Likewise may be had at said store, a great variety of
new music, both vocal and instrumental, viz. overtures;
concerto's; trio's; solo's; with a choice collection of the
latest English and Scotch songs, catches, instruction books
for the violin, harpsicord, german flute, guittar, bagpipes,
common flute, French horn, &cc. a few bundles of Italian
strings for violins; also, violins, guittars, &cc. &cc. . .

Generic Title Pennsylvania Journal 
Date 1768.12.22 
Publisher Bradford, William and Thomas 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1768 
Bibliography B0038927
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