Citation - Pennsylvania Journal: 1765.03.28

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Index Entry Assembly, in Philadelphia, sponsored by Tioli, for students and public 
Location Philadelphia 
28 Mar 1765:31 (1164)
On Monday the 8th of April, will be opened, at the assembly-
room in the Lodge; a public night by Mr. Tioli's scholars,
to begin precisely at six o'clock in the evening.  Any
gentlemen or ladies that please to attend, may, if they
chuse, after ten o'clock, have the room to dance in. 
Tickets at seven shillings and six pence each to be bought
of the scholars.
N.B.  No admission without tickets, nor any money taken at
the door.

Generic Title Pennsylvania Journal 
Date 1765.03.28 
Publisher Bradford, William 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1765 
Bibliography B0038729
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