Citation - Pennsylvania Journal: 1763.09.01

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Index Entry Cibber, plays, for sale by Rivington and Brown 
Location Philadelphia 
1 Sep 1763:33 (1082)
Imported in the last vessels from London, and to be sold by
wholesale and retail, at the most reasonable prizes, by
Rivington and Brown, booksellers, at the corner of Market
and Front-Street:  A very large, elegant and curious
collection of new books, pamphlets, plays, magazines,
stationary wares, jewelry, cutlery, prints, maps, &c. of
which the following are a part viz. . . . 
  The dramatic and other works of Shakespear, Johnson,
Dryden, Vanburgh, Cibber, Congreve, Otway, Farquhar,
Thompson, Home, Murphy and others; also a great variety of
the newest single plays.

Generic Title Pennsylvania Journal 
Date 1763.09.01 
Publisher Bradford, William 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1763 
Bibliography B0038647
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