Citation - Pennsylvania Journal: 1758.10.26

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Index Entry Balls, in France, will not be given by new Marshalls appointed by King 
Location France 
26 Oct 1758:12 (829)
Paris, July 21.  'Tis said the King has created Messrs. de
Contades, de St. Germain, and de Chevert, marshalls of
France, and entrusted to them the conduct of his troops on
the lower Rhine.  It is certain the King could not commit
his affairs into better hands, for we are well persuaded
they will not amuse themselves and spend their time in
giving balls, plays, &c.

Generic Title Pennsylvania Journal 
Date 1758.10.26 
Publisher Bradford, William 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1758 
Bibliography B0038394
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