Citation - Pennsylvania Journal: 1753.05.24

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Index Entry Balls, in Rossa Island, residents opposed to 
Location Rossa Island 
24 May 1753:11 (546)
Paris Al-a-main, March 2. . . Monsiur Guisard, Commissary of
War, having sent a boat laden with provisions, to the Island
of Rossa, the inhabitants not only hinder'd the crew from
landing them, but beat them severely into the bargain,
because they were designed for an entertainment of mirth and
grandeur, which the unhappy circumstances of the people in
general, renders averse to all balls, operas, and other
public festivities.

Generic Title Pennsylvania Journal 
Date 1753.05.24 
Publisher Bradford, William 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1753 
Bibliography B0038111
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