Citation - Political Intelligencer: 1783.12.23

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Index Entry Psalm books, for sale by Vickers, Thomas L 
Location New Brunswick 
23 Dec 1783:42  (11)
Thomas L Vickers, has just opened Store in the shop formerly
occupied by Col. John Neilson, and lately by Mr. Cornelius
Ten Broeck, opposite the Market-House, and has for sale the
following articles, which he purposes selling at the most
reasonable prices for cash or produce, viz.  Broad-cloths,
coatings . . . [lists 38 items of fabrics, buttons, etc. in
col. 1]. . . [lists 16 items, such as knives, pins, needles,
ink in col. 2]   Spelling-books, Psalm ditto, Primers, a few
Latin and Greek books. . . [lists 16 more items,  including
rum, molasses, sugar, spices]

Generic Title Political Intelligencer 
Date 1783.12.23 
Publisher Kollock and Arnett 
City, State New Brunswick, NJ 
Year 1783 
Bibliography B0041512
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