Citation - Providence Gazette: 1781.12.01

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Index Entry Bugle horns, in Yorktown, spoils of war, taken from British 
Location Yorktown 
1 Dec 1781:11, 12, 13 (935)
Return of ordinance and military stores taken at York and
Gloucester, in Virginia, by the surrender of the British
army, on the 19th of Oct. 1781. . . 
Camp colours . . . drums good 62, damaged 19--Total 81.
Drum slings 18, fife-cases 10, fife slings 7, trumpet 1.
Bugle-horns 18, French horns 5--Total 23. . .
Cloathing received from Captain Girlock, deputy quarter-
master, October 26, 1781,---who was in a cartel vessel in
York river, and whose effects, in consequence of his
violation of the right of flags, were adjudged to be
forfeited, and were consequently seized for public use.  77
uniforms for non-commissioned officers.  17 ditto, drummers
. . . 

Generic Title Providence Gazette 
Date 1781.12.01 
Publisher Carter, John 
City, State Providence, RI 
Year 1781 
Bibliography B0042525
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