Citation - Providence Gazette: 1774.01.08

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Index Entry Ballads, in London, English people singing in streets, in satire 
Location London 
8 Jan 1774:13 (522)
An account of what passes in several parts of Europe:  
The King cutting off his hair.
His ministers shaving him.
His collectors cutting his coin.
His clergymen rolling people in the kennel, fending
challenges, and fighting boxing matches.
The rest of his subjects, some riding in coaches, some
starving in the streets, some singing ballads and some
cursing and swearing, with money-weights and scales in their
hands. . . 

Generic Title Providence Gazette 
Date 1774.01.08 
Publisher Carter, John 
City, State Providence, RI 
Year 1774 
Bibliography B0042113
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