Citation - Providence Gazette: 1772.06.13

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Index Entry Books, tutors and religious music, for sale by Carter, John 
Location Providence 
13 Jun 1772:33 (440)
The following books are for sale at the printing office,
viz. . . Compleat tutors for the violin and German flute,
containing the best and easiest instructions for learners to
obtain proficiency, with some useful directions, lessons,
graces, &c. to which is added a choice collection of the
most celebrated Italian, English and Scotch tunes, marches,
minuets, &c.  Miss Ashmore's new song-book, and a variety of
small histories---Also bibles, testaments, prayer-books,
psalm-books, psalters, spelling-books, &c. at the same place
may be had. . . [list of papers and inks available,
including] music paper, &c.  The above books, &c. if
immediately applied for, will be sold as cheap as they can
be bought in Boston, or elsewhere.

Generic Title Providence Gazette 
Date 1772.06.13 
Publisher Carter, John 
City, State Providence, RI 
Year 1772 
Bibliography B0042031
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