Citation - Providence Gazette: 1772.04.11

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Index Entry Flute, in Copenhagen, played in prison by Count Brandt 
Location Copenhagen 
11 Apr 1772:11 (431)
Copenhagen (Capital of Denmark); Jan. 18.  This day is
published in the gazette, that Struensee, &c. &c. were
arrested and sent into the citadel, and that her majesty was
pleased to take a tour to the castle at Elsineur. . . 
  Brandt, who is said to be an atheist, as well as
Struensee, is chearful under his chain, and very proud.  He
reminds the officers that guard him of his being a count. 
He played almost incessantly on the flute since his
confinement, until two or three days ago it was taken from
him. . .

Generic Title Providence Gazette 
Date 1772.04.11 
Publisher Carter, John 
City, State Providence, RI 
Year 1772 
Bibliography B0042022
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