Citation - Providence Gazette: 1770.01.13

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Index Entry Drury Lane Theatre, King honored by audience 
Location London 
13 Jan 1770:12 (314)
London.  October 30 . . .   When their majesties made their
appearance on Wednesday evening at Drury-Lane Theatre, the
whole house (which was prodigiously crowded) testified their
joy to a degree more than common, by clapping hands, and in
their countenances.  Between the acts, a gentleman, upon a
flute, played the tune of "God Save the King," which gave a
great deal of pleasure, and was heartily received by the
audience.  The behavior of the people seemed to give great
satisfaction to his majesty.

Generic Title Providence Gazette 
Date 1770.01.13 
Publisher Carter, John 
City, State Providence, RI 
Year 1770 
Bibliography B0041905
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