Citation - Providence Gazette: 1764.08.25

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Index Entry Band of music, in London, at court for King's birth day 
Location London 
25 Aug 1764:22 (97)
London . . . Jun 8.  On Monday last being his majesty's
birth-day . . . 1500 persons of distinctions were invited .
. . Two bands of music were provided, one in the house . . .
and the other in the garden, which answered alternately, and
upon Lord Granby's entrance struck up, See the conq'ring
hero comes; a mark of respect to the extraordinary merit of
that illustrious officer, which was instantly returned by a
general huzza from the whole company.

Generic Title Providence Gazette 
Date 1764.08.25 
Publisher Goddard, William 
City, State Providence, RI 
Year 1764 
Bibliography B0041685
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