Citation - Pennsylvania Gazette-Philadelphia: 1783.07.30

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Index Entry German flutes, made by Peter, for sale by Prichard, William 
Location Philadelphia 
30 Jul 1783:23 (2772)
Books and Stationary, just imported, and now opening for
sale, at William Prichard's Circulating Library and Book-
store, . . . [10 lines]
Beauties of Johnson, Shakespear, Bollingbrooke, . . . [1
With a very considerable assortment of the newest novels,
plays, songs, and books of entertainment.
. . . [25 lines]
Simson's best and second violins; Peter's German flutes;
New invented sliding rules, &c.
Hard and japanned ware; jewellery, &c. &c.

Generic Title Pennsylvania Gazette-Philadelphia 
Date 1783.07.30 
Publisher Hall and Sellers 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1783 
Bibliography B0037523
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