Citation - Pennsylvania Gazette-Philadelphia: 1774.10.12

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Index Entry Actor, Yates, Mrs, in character of Electra, portrait exhibited by Brooks, N 
Location Philadelphia 
12 Oct 1774:81 (2390)
Nicholas Brooks, takes this method to return his sincere
thanks to his friends and customers for their past favours,
and begs leave to acquaint them, that he is removed from his
late dwelling-house in Market-street to the house lately
occupied by Mr. Thomas Irwin, on the east side of Second-
street, between Market and Chestnut-street, and three doors
above Black-Horse Alley; he has just imported and is now
opened and exhibited in a convenient room, where all
gentlemen and ladies, who delight in the fine arts and in
the copyists of nature, are invited to regale themselves at
this new exhibition.  In this collection among many others
are the following:  The cartoons, after Raphael, beautifuly
painted; elegant pieces in green and gold frames, vis.lady
Huntingdon;peace and plenty, finely coloured and beautifully
ornamented; elegant pieces in green and gold frames, flora;
the letter woman; the oyster woman; the bathing beauty; Miss
Yates, in the character of Electra; the lady's maid soaping
linen; Abraham and Hagar; Joseph and Potiphar's wife; Samson
in distress, &c. &c. hieroglyphicks of a christian;
hieroglyphicks of a natural man; and the time of life; the
revd. Mr. William Romain; James Horvey; David Jennings;
Philip Doddridge; George Whitefield; Andrew Kinsman; Thomas
Jones; John Bunyan; John Wesley; Richard DeCourcey;Torial
Foss;John Edwards; Martin Madan, and a great many other
divines;Land-scapes; views of capital cities; scripture
pieces, &c. The passions of the soul, as they are expressed
in the human countenance, by LeBrun; with a variety of the
most elegant engravings and metsotinto's, by the greatest
artists in Rome and London; . . . a great variety of
drawing-books; best water colours; camel's hair pencils;
Indian ink; crayons; a very elegant collection of copper
plate copy books, from the earliest attempts to the
compleating of the most accomplished penmen . . . [37 lines]
a good assortment of the very best fiddle-strings, just come
from Italy; instructions, and other music, for almost every
kind of instruments; . . . [3.5 lines] London made German
flutes, . . . [10 lines].

Generic Title Pennsylvania Gazette-Philadelphia 
Date 1774.10.12 
Publisher Hall and Sellers 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1774 
Bibliography B0037136
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