Citation - Pennsylvania Gazette-Philadelphia: 1768.07.28

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Index Entry Bagpipe instructions, for sale by Budden, James 
Location Philadelphia 
28 Jul 1768:21 (2066 Supplement)
Imported in the last vessels from London and Bristol, and to
be sold cheap, for cash or short credit, bu James Budden, at
his store in  Front-street, a few doors below the London
Coffee-House, a general assortment of European and East-
India goods, suitable to the season.  Also may be had at
said store, a great variety of new music, both vocal and
instrumental, viz. overtures, concerto's, trio's, solo's,
with a choice collection of the latest English, Italian, and
Scotch songs, as sung at the public theatres, Vauxhall,
Ranelagh, Marybone, &c. 2, 3, and 4 part songs, catches,
instruction books for the harpsichord, violin, German flute,
guittar, bagpipes, common flute, French horn, &c. a few
bundles of Italian strings for violins; likewise guittars,
violins, &c. &c.

Generic Title Pennsylvania Gazette-Philadelphia 
Date 1768.07.28 
Publisher Hall, David, and William Sellers 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1768 
Bibliography B0036804
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