Citation - Pennsylvania Gazette-Philadelphia: 1759.12.27

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Index Entry Abraham, runaway Negro, singer 
Location Philadelphia 
27 Dec 1759:42 (1618)
Run away on the 8th of October last, from the subscriber,
living in Dover Hundred, in Kent County on Delaware, a
Negroe man, named Abraham:  Had on and with him, a blue
camblet coat, lined with red shaloon, a green waistcoat, and
red breeches, with several other clothes, but may have
changed them; he is of a yellowish colour, about 5 feet 6
inches high a lively fellow and takes delight in singing; it
is supposed he has crossed Delaware and gone into the
Jerseys.  Whoever takes up and secures the said fellow, in
any goal, or brings him to his master, shall have forty
shillings reward, and reasonable charges, paid by [signed]
Caleb Luff.

Generic Title Pennsylvania Gazette-Philadelphia 
Date 1759.12.27 
Publisher Franklin, B., and D. Hall 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1759 
Bibliography B0036354
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