Citation - Pennsylvania Gazette-Philadelphia: 1759.01.04

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Index Entry Fiddle, played by runaway Negro named Pratt, Harry, left handed 
Location Kingsess 
4 Jan 1759:43 (1567)
Kingsess, Philadelphia County, December 16, 1758.  Run away,
on the 13th instant, at night, a Negroe man, who calls
himself Harry Pratt, about 30 years of age 5 feet 6 inches
high:  Had on and took with him two coats, . . . [7 lines,
clothing.]  He took with him a small brown horse, shod all
round, with a slit in one ear, and travels pretty well; an
old saddle, with blue cloth housings; also a fiddle, on
which he plays with his left hand.  Whoever takes up said
Negroe, and secures him in any goal, shall have thirty
shillings reward, and reasonable charges, paid by [signed]
Philip Price.

Generic Title Pennsylvania Gazette-Philadelphia 
Date 1759.01.04 
Publisher Franklin, B., and D. Hall 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1759 
Bibliography B0036303
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