Citation - Pennsylvania Gazette-Philadelphia: 1758.06.22

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Index Entry Kinsey, Abraham, owner of runaway Negro named Peter, singer 
Location Philadelphia 
22 Jun 1758:33 (1539)
Philadelphia, June 20, 1758. Run away, on the twenty-second
of last month, from William Hopkins of this city, baker, a
molattoe servant man. . . [7 lines]
   Also run away, on the twenty fourth of the same month,
from Abraham Kinsey, a Negroe man, called Peter, about 20
years of age, about five feet nine inches high, and is a
strong well made fellow:  Had on when he went away, a linsey
woolsey striped jacket, without sleeves, ozenbrigs shirt,
coarse homespun trowsers, old shoes, and old hat.  He is a
great talker and singer.  Whoever takes up and secures said
Negroe, so that his master may have him again, shall have
twenty shillings reward, and reasonable charges, paid by
[signed] Abraham Kinsey.
N.B. It is thought that the above molattoe and Negroe are
gone off together.

Generic Title Pennsylvania Gazette-Philadelphia 
Date 1758.06.22 
Publisher Franklin, B., and D. Hall 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1758 
Bibliography B0036275
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