Citation - Pennsylvania Gazette-Philadelphia: 1751.07.04

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Index Entry Concerts, essay on taste, some prefer cry of hounds 
Location Boston 
4 Jul 1751:11,12 (1177)
From The Reflector.
Of Man's Happiness. . . [essay on what makes people happy. 
Top of second column, 2nd paragraph:] Our tastes are
various, and produce good effects in the world.  Some are
pleased with concords, other more with discords, in music. 
Some prefer the cry of a pack of hounds to a concert; as a
certain Scythian General preferred the neighing of a horse
to the sound of a trumpet . . .

Generic Title Pennsylvania Gazette-Philadelphia 
Date 1751.07.04 
Publisher Franklin, B., and D. Hall 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1751 
Bibliography B0035912
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