Citation - Pennsylvania Gazette-Philadelphia: 1749.11.02

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Index Entry Dancing, in Falmouth, public, given by Penobscot Indians after conference 
Location Falmouth 
2 Nov 1749:22 (1090)
Boston, October 23.  The gentlemen who were appointed by
this government to meet and confer with the Penobscot and
other tribes of Indians at Falmouth, in Canso bay, return'd
from thence last Thursday night, having, after a conference
of two days with the chiefs of those tribes, renewed peace
with them, the treaty being finished last Monday evening; at
which the Indians seem'd to be very well pleased, and the
next day had a publick dance, and kept it as a day of great
rejoycing:  upon the commissioners departure, every one of
the Indians took leave of them in a friendly manner.

Generic Title Pennsylvania Gazette-Philadelphia 
Date 1749.11.02 
Publisher Franklin, B., and D. Hall 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1749 
Bibliography B0035825
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