Citation - Pennsylvania Gazette-Philadelphia: 1744.09.06

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Index Entry Trumpeter, in Ghent, messenger from Count Saxe with ultimatum 
Location Ghent 
6 Sep 1744:12 (821)
Brussels, June 1.  The Marshal Count Saxe sent a trumpeter
to Lieutenant General Sir James Campbell, who commands in
Ghent, with a message, importing, that if the English
continued to disturb the forage that was sent to the French
camp, he would set fire to the first village he came to; to
which the English general answered, that in that case, he
knew the road into French Flanders, where he would return
the compliment, by burning twenty.

Generic Title Pennsylvania Gazette-Philadelphia 
Date 1744.09.06 
Publisher Franklin, B. 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1744 
Bibliography B0035552
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