Citation - Pennsylvania Gazette-Philadelphia: 1743.06.16

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Index Entry Carroll, Charles, owner of runaway servant named Jones, William, singer 
Location On board ship 
16 Jun 1743:41 (757)
Run away from on board the schooner Annopolis, lying in the
North-east River in Maryland, on Saturday night the 30th of
April, 1743, a servant man named William Jones, belonging to
Dr. Charles Carroll of Annapolis.  He is a thin faced man,
has many deep pock-holes, black hair (but supposed wears a
cap or wigg) grey eyes, was born in Wales and speaks Welsh,
talks fast after the Welsh manner; had on a dark colour'd
cloth coat double breasted, and a large cape lined with
shalloon of a light colour, a red camblet waistcoat without
sleeves, a pair of dark colour'd cloth breeches with red
puffs, and the flaps of the pocket-holes lined with red, had
both white and check'd shirts, and many other cloaths, and
will likely appear as a sailor, writes a pretty good hand,
and is given to drink and singing, is a forward brisk
fellow, about 25 years old, was imported as an indented
servant into Maryland, and had when he run away three years
to serve his said master.
   Whosoever secures him so that he may be returned to his
said master's service, shall have five pounds current money
of Maryland, if taken in that province, with what the law
allows besides, or if taken in Pennsylvania, shall five
pounds current money of that province, as a reward, paid by
[signed] Charles Carroll.

Generic Title Pennsylvania Gazette-Philadelphia 
Date 1743.06.16 
Publisher Franklin, B. 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1743 
Bibliography B0035488
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