Citation - Pennsylvania Gazette-Philadelphia: 1743.04.07

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Index Entry New England Psalms [t], among books burned by New Lights under Davenport 
Location New London 
7 Apr 1743:22 (747)
What follows is an abstract of a letter from New-London
[Connecticut], which is confirmed by word of mouth by a
credible person.
  "Mr. Davenport came lately to New-London (as was supposed
to ordain Mr. Curtis) and gave thanks to God among other
mercies for his lame leg, which obliges him to be carried
about in a chair.  He warned a fast--for only the children
of God, because Jesus was to be among them. ---Many were
refused admittance, even of the New-Lights, to their great
mortification. --At last the Lord revealed to them that they
must publickly burn a number of books.  This they performed
with great solemnity last Lords-Day, P.M. the saints singing
round the bonfire, Glory, glory, glory; -- and Monday night
last they would have burnt some more, but the mob prevented
them. --Davenport then told the dear children of God, that
some of them made idols of their gay cloaths; on which they
sought the Lord whether those idols ought to be burnt too. .
. [12 lines, strife over this, cloaks, lace, wigs to be
  March 21.  By persons lately come from New-London, we are
informed, that some of the books burnt there by order of Mr.
Davenport and other inquisitors, were Bishop Beveridge's
Private Thoughts on Religion, Dyer's Golden Chain, Russel's
Seven Sermons, the New-England Psalms, and the sermons of
some of the present ministers of this town. . . [clothes,
wigs, etc, reprieved from flames.]

Generic Title Pennsylvania Gazette-Philadelphia 
Date 1743.04.07 
Publisher Franklin, B. 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1743 
Bibliography B0035478
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