Citation - Pennsylvania Gazette-Philadelphia: 1733.06.28

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Index Entry Horn, in Lincoln, played by post boy before murder 
Location Lincoln 
21-28 Jun 1733:22 (239)
London, Feb. 23.  Tuesday last were brought into Lincoln
Goal the two rogues who murder'd the young man in the
chaise.  They are named Hallam, being brothers:  On entring
Lincoln they were treated with the utmost ignominy and
reproach; one of them was for murdering all they attacked,
and when taken upbraided the other with hindering him from
doing it, as the chief cause of their being apprehended. 
They forced a post-boy on the road, to blow his horn, then
told him it was his death-peal, and immediately cut his
throat, and that of his horse.  The post boys greeted them
as they pass'd through Lincoln, in the same manner, sounding
their horns; on which one of them wept.

Generic Title Pennsylvania Gazette-Philadelphia 
Date 1733.06.28 
Publisher Franklin, B. 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1733 
Bibliography B0034969
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