Citation - Pennsylvania Gazette-Philadelphia: 1729.05.01

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Index Entry Ball, in Versailles, given by butchers on money collected from King 
Location Versailles 
1 May 1729:32 (19)
Paris Feb. 12. N.S.  On the 31st ult. the butchers of
Versailles, with trumpets, kettle drums, and hautboys at
their head, drove a fat ox before the King's windows,
because the court designs to pass the Carnava at Marli.  The
King gave them 10 Louis d'ors, and the Queen 6.  They had a
Swisses and a runner.  The young butchers were dress'd like
Turks, and the King's butcher in a Roman habit was astride
the ox.  There was one butcher dress'd like a cardinal, and
another like a gentleman of the law, each carrying a
Christmas box, with which they went to all the ministers,
and collected 600 livers; and then they had a ball that cost
them more money.

Generic Title Pennsylvania Gazette-Philadelphia 
Date 1729.05.01 
Publisher Keimer, Samuel 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1729 
Bibliography B0034749
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