Citation - Pennsylvania Evening Post: 1783.11.13

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Index Entry Hallam, Lewis, to be re-appointed master of the revels, if he returns 
Location Kingston 
13 Dec 1783:2731 (9/1017)
Kingston (Jamaica) October 18.  We hear his excellency the
governor has been pleased to appoint William Smith, Esq;
master of the revels, in the room of Lewis Hallam, Esq; who
sails for America in a day or two, with the proviso, that
should Mr. Hallam return here in the course of six months,
he is to be restored to that place; Mr. Smith will be

Generic Title Pennsylvania Evening Post 
Date 1783.11.13 
Publisher Towne, Benjamin 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1783 
Bibliography B0034717
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