Citation - Pennsylvania Evening Post: 1776.06.25

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Index Entry Deserter, American violinist, named Puble, John 
Location Philadelphia 
25 Jun 1776:3172 (2/223)
Ran away from the Washington armed boat three men, viz. John
Brown, . . . John Puble, a high German, about five feet six
or seven inches high, yellow complexion, speaks but bad
English, has a blemish in one of his eyes, and plays well on
the violin.
. . . Hugh Barnet, alias Mackey, . . . [9 lines on clothes
worn and reward terms]
[signed] Henry Dougherty.

Generic Title Pennsylvania Evening Post 
Date 1776.06.25 
Publisher Towne, Benjamin 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1776 
Bibliography B0033943
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