Citation - Pennsylvania Evening Post: 1776.03.12

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Index Entry Drummers, in Pennsylvania militia, pay established 
Location Philadelphia 
12 Mar 1776:1291, 1292 (2/178)
[Philadelphia] Tuesday, March 5.  The Committee appointed to
prepare and bring in an estimate of the expence of levying a
body of fifteen hundred men, and victualling them and paying
them for one year, reported a draught for that purpose,
which was read by order, and is as follows, viz.
Estimate of the pay and subsistance of fifteen hundred men
for one month.
Two battalions of Riflemen.
[List of officers with pay rates]
48 Serjeants, ---  8 dollars per month 384
12 Fifers, --- 7 1-3 88
12 Drums, --- 7 1-3 88. . . 
867 Privates, ---  5 4335. . . 
One Battalion of Musketmen
[List of officers with pay rates]
16 Serjeants, ---  8 dollars per month 128
16 Corporals, ---  7 1-3 117 1-3
8 Fifers, --- 7 1-3 58 2-3
8 Drums, --- 7 1-3 58 2-3. . . 
420 Privates, ---  5 2100 . . . 

Generic Title Pennsylvania Evening Post 
Date 1776.03.12 
Publisher Towne, Benjamin 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1776 
Bibliography B0033898
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