Citation - Pennsylvania Evening Post: 1775.04.22

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Index Entry Astley, Mr, horseman, and company performed in Edinburgh 
Location Edinburgh 
22 Apr 1775:1561 (1/39)
Extract of a letter from Edinburgh, dated Jan. 25, 1775.
The weather, since the terrible storm in December last, has
been remarkably fine for the season of the year, and the
city extremely full of company.  The theatre was opened by
Mr. Diggs, though much later than usual; however the public
was at no great loss on that account, as Mr. Astley, the
famous horseman, paid us a visit, and has remained here
three months.  This gentleman and his company have attracted
the public attention, and by their wonderful performances
have procured the admiration of all ranks of people.
. . . On Monday the second instant, being the last
exhibition in the riding way, upwards of three thousand
spectators were present at the riding school in Comely
Gardens, . . . 
Since the above time he has been engaged, at considerable
salary, and a clear night, by the managers of the Theatre
Royal, to perform part of the exhibitions six nights on the
stage, and was received there with equal approbation.

Generic Title Pennsylvania Evening Post 
Date 1775.04.22 
Publisher Towne, Benjamin 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1775 
Bibliography B0033757
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