Citation - Pennsylvania Chronicle: 1773.10.18

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Index Entry Actor, Banister, Mr, played Honest Tar in Trip to Portsmouth [t] 
Location London 
11-18 Oct 1773:1542 (353)
Dramatic Intelligence.  Last night was performed, for the
first time, at the Theatre Royal in the Hay-Market, a new
entertainment, called, A Trip to Portsmouth. -- This piece,
which is modestly called a dramatic sketch, is said to be
written by the celebrated Lecturer on Heads, G. A. Stevens;
it consists of a number of detached scenes, interspersed
with songs, without a regular fable, which were received
with applause by the audience.  Miss Craven played Miss
Flirt, a fille de joy, with great spirit; Mr. Banister sung
the ballads in the honest Tar with singular propriety; and
Mr. Stevens gave a good outline of a discontented Censor of
the Times in Sneer, who, after abusing government for their
extravagance, and the age for its luxury, is exceedingly out
of humour at being disappointed of his turtle and venison.

Generic Title Pennsylvania Chronicle 
Date 1773.10.18 
Publisher Goddard, William 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1773 
Bibliography B0033703
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