Citation - Pennsylvania Chronicle: 1773.10.11

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Index Entry Balls, in Bristol, man's wife does not attend 
Location Bristol 
4-11 Oct 1773:1502 (352)
From the Bristol Gazette.  [1/2 column: Account from husband
of "the most disagreeable woman living"] . . . when I
expostulate with her upon her conduct, she tells me I am the
happiest man in the world.  "You are blessed with a wife, "
says she, "that does not spend her time and money in going
to balls and plays; a sober frugal woman, . . ."[signed]
Solomon Sugar-loaf.

Generic Title Pennsylvania Chronicle 
Date 1773.10.11 
Publisher Goddard, William 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1773 
Bibliography B0033702
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