Citation - Pennsylvania Chronicle: 1773.08.30

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Index Entry Band of music, in Godalmin, played God Save the King [t] as King passed town 
Location Godalmin 
23-30 Aug 1773:1261 (346)
London. . . Saturday, June 26. . . . [part of King's review
of Portsmouth garrison and shipyards.]  His majesty set out
from the Commissioners house, on his return to Kew . . .
[and] was saluted by a triple discharge of all the cannon
round the fortifications as well as those of South-Sea-
Castle and Block-House-Fort, and by a salute of 21 guns on
passing Portsea-Bridge.  Many thousands of people attending
the chaise, with the loudest acclamations, to the end of the
Mayor's jurisdiction; and at every place, through which his
Majesty passed, there were the strongest demonstrations of
joy.  At Godalmin, a band of music, accompanied by the voice
of all the inhabitants, sung God Save the King the whole way
through the town:  The gentry, who were assembled at one of
the public houses, saluted his Majesty as he passed with
colours of the town. . .

Generic Title Pennsylvania Chronicle 
Date 1773.08.30 
Publisher Goddard, William 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1773 
Bibliography B0033696
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