Citation - Pennsylvania Chronicle: 1773.06.07

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Index Entry Actor, Harman, Mrs Catherine Maria, granddaughter of Colley Cibber, died 
Location New York 
31 May-7 Jun 1773:791 (334)
New-York, June 3. On thursday last died in the 43d year of
her age, Mrs. Catherine Maria Harman, grand-daughter to the
celebrated Colley Cibber, Esq; poet laureat, she was a just
actress, possessed much merit in low comedy, and dressed all
her characters with infinite propriety, but her figure
prevented her from succeeding in tragedy, and in genteel
comedy.  In private life, she was sensible, humane and
benevolent, her little fortune she has left to Miss Cheer,
and her obsequies were on Saturday night attended by a very
genteel procession to the cemetery of the Old English

Generic Title Pennsylvania Chronicle 
Date 1773.06.07 
Publisher Goddard, William 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1773 
Bibliography B0033684
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