Citation - Pennsylvania Chronicle: 1771.02.04

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Index Entry Beggar's Opera [t], character lent title to modern orator 
Location Edinburgh 
28 Jan-4 Feb 1771:61 (212)
Additions to part of a great and noble orator's speech on
Thursday last in a large company. . . [35 lines]
   In answer to the sentiments of this great patriot,
another orator, well known under the title of a remarkable
impeaching character in the Beggar's Opera, remarked, "That
tho' he never remembered to have heard the noble Earl's
sentiments coincide so nearly with him in four points, as
they did on the present occasion; yet he could not help
considering his assertions in general to be mere ipse
dixits, or matters of opinion; . . .

Generic Title Pennsylvania Chronicle 
Date 1771.02.04 
Publisher Goddard, William 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1771 
Bibliography B0033562
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