Citation - Pennsylvania Chronicle: 1769.04.03

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Index Entry Minuet, in Philadelphia, danced by automaton in Italian Shades machinery 
Location Philadelphia 
27 Mar-3 Apr 1769:763 (116)
At a large and commodious room at Lewis Farmer's, at the
sign of the Buck, in Second street, between Race and Vine
streets, will be exhibited a curious piece of Machinery,
representing the Italian shades, from the creation of the
sun, moon and stars, the seas, fishes and birds, Adam and
Eve, Noah's ark, the Prodigal son, with a representation of
his Majesty King George and Queen Charlotte in the state
coach, with a view of the horse and foot guards exercising,
likewise the King of Prussia going a hunting, in a most
lively manner, also a beautiful figure of Lady Mademoiselle
Catharine, who will dance a minuet round the room without
the assistance of any person;  and a curious piece of
machinery, a coach and horses; the coachman will drive round
the table at command, and a curious organ, which plays
several tunes, which are set on a new construction, and
several other pieces, too tedious to mention.  The price
Sixpence.  To begin at 7 o'clock in the evening, on
Thursday, the 6th of April instant.
  N.B. If any gentlemen or ladies don't choose to come to
said place, they may, by sending their servant, see it
exhibited at their own houses.

Generic Title Pennsylvania Chronicle 
Date 1769.04.03 
Publisher Goddard, William 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1769 
Bibliography B0033465
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