Citation - Pennsylvania Chronicle: 1768.11.14

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Index Entry Bass viol strings, spun with silver wire, for sale by Memminger, Theodore 
Location Philadelphia 
7-14 Nov 1768:3653 (96)
Lately imported, and to be sold by Theodore Memminger,
shopkeeper, at the Blue Tea Cannister, in Second-street, a
few doors above Arch-street, a variety of different prices
of violins, the best kind of fiddle-strings, guittar and
spinnet brass and steel wire, a very neat pair of ivory
German flutes, spins all sorts of bass strings with silver
wire; likewise geneva by the barrel, cases and less
quantity, and some very good potash.

Generic Title Pennsylvania Chronicle 
Date 1768.11.14 
Publisher Goddard, William 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1768 
Bibliography B0033444
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