Citation - Pennsylvania Chronicle: 1768.02.01

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Index Entry Assembly, in Reading, held every fortnight in winter season 
Location Reading 
25 Jan-1 Feb 1768:71, 72 (2/55)
On Friday the 15th instant, was opened at Reading, in the
County of Berks, an assembly, which is to continue once a
fortnight during the winter season.  Some strangers
happening to be in the place, were politely asked by the
manager, and were surprised at the brilliant appearance made
by the ladies.  They likewise expressed a good deal of
satisfaction to find every thing conducted with the greatest
order, decency, and decorum, and came away highly pleased at
the genteel entertainment they met with.

Generic Title Pennsylvania Chronicle 
Date 1768.02.01 
Publisher Goddard, William 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1768 
Bibliography B0033400
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