Citation - Pennsylvania Chronicle: 1768.01.25

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Index Entry Dancer, runaway servant 
Location Philadelphia 
18-25 Jan 1768:2144 (1/54)
Run away from the subscriber, on Saturday, the 26th of
December last, a servant lad, about fourteen years of age,
thick set, with dark brown hair:  Had on when he went away,
a short green nap jacket, a pair of blue duffil trowsers, a
pair of new shoes, and sundry other clothes; he is very fond
of dancing and playing the slight of hand.  Whoever takes up
and secures said boy, so that his master may have him again,
shall have twenty shillings reward, if taken in this
province, but if in any other three pounds, and all
reasonable charges, paid by [signed] Charles Lawrence.
N.B. He was last seen in company with one Azariah Vaun.  All
masters of vessels are forbid to carry him off at their

Generic Title Pennsylvania Chronicle 
Date 1768.01.25 
Publisher Goddard, William 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1768 
Bibliography B0033399
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