Citation - Pennsylvania Chronicle: 1767.03.16

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Index Entry Assembly room, in New Plumstead, in center of new town 
Location New Plumstead 
9-16 Mar 1767:303 (1/8)
London, . . . Nov. 26 . . . A plan for a new town is already
drawn, which is to consist of 1500 houses, built of an equal
height, and in the most regular manner.  This town is to be
built on the left of Shooter's Hill in Kent, in a circular
form, with a noble Assembly Room in the middle, and is to be
called New Plumstead; and when finished, it is supposed will
be the most beautiful thing of its kind in Europe, as it
commands a most delightful prospect for many miles over the
River Thames, and springs of water are even with the ground.

Generic Title Pennsylvania Chronicle 
Date 1767.03.16 
Publisher Goddard, William 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1767 
Bibliography B0033350
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