Citation - New York Weekly Journal: 1747.12.21

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Index Entry Drums, in New York militia, purchased with fines 
Location New York 
21 Dec 1747:21 (731)
The Remarks on every article of the association, as promis'd
in our last. [Begins on page 1, col.1. Includes remarks on
the preamble, and on each of 7 articles.] . . . 
Remarks on Article VII.
A militia of freemen, ought not to be subject to any
corporal penalties. 
. . . [6 lines]
If the persons who compose the several companies should
think fit (so as juries sometimes do) to make a temporary
agreement, to pay little fines when they do not appear in a
good time, or the like, to be apply'd to the purchasing of
drums, colours, etc. or to be given in prizes, or to refresh
their weary spirits after exercise; they are not hereby
restrain'd from doing so, but left to their liberty. 
. . . [Remarks on Article VIII follow.]

Generic Title New York Weekly Journal 
Date 1747.12.21 
Publisher Zenger, Catherine 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1747 
Bibliography B0031688
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