Citation - New York Weekly Journal: 1742.06.28

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Index Entry Drum, in Holland, beat to attract recruits for ships' crews 
Location Holland 
28 Jun 1742:22 (448)
The Dutch method of manning fleets.
When there is a necessity in Holland to man a fleet, or a
single ship of war, it is left to every captain to procure
his complement of men; which he endeavours to do by beat of
drum, and thereby enlisting them into his service: . . . [14
lines]  Every captain is, by these means under an absolute
necessity of behaving, thro' every action and every voyage,
in such a manner as shall render him beloved by his sailors;
or, when he beats his drum, it will be like ringing his own
knell; it will be a proclamation of his disgrace, and
consequently the burial of his reputation when not a man is
forward to enlist under him. 

Generic Title New York Weekly Journal 
Date 1742.06.28 
Publisher Zenger, John Peter 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1742 
Bibliography B0031549
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