Citation - New York Weekly Journal: 1738.05.01

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Index Entry Ball, in Russia, at court, for Czarina's birthday 
Location Russia 
1 May 1738:22 (233)
[In an account of the celebration of the Empress's birth
day:] Her Czarian Majesty having received in the morning the
complements of the nobility, foreign ministers and gentry,
dined afterwards in public under a rich canopy in the great
hall of the palace with the two emperial Princesses; and at
another table which represented a spread eagle, were
entertained a number of lords and ladies.  The Italian music
play'd during dinner; and at every health the caunon of the
palace were fired, the drums beating, and the trumpets
sounding, thro' out the whole entertainment.  About four in
the afternoon the ball began, which continued till eight. 
in the mean time the theatre was illuminated with infinite
number of lights, and at nine in the evening the fire works
were lighted with a rocket from one of the galleries of the
great hall  The illumination at the theatre represented a
large garden with this inscription, "The happy retreat of
peace."  The fire work formed in a manner the entrance into
the garden, in the midst of which Russia appearing kneeling
before an altar, and by her Christian Europe, seconding her
prayer; over them was seen in the heavens part of the
eclyptic, with the sign under which her Majesty was born, .
. . [13 more lines]

Generic Title New York Weekly Journal 
Date 1738.05.01 
Publisher Zenger, John Peter 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1738 
Bibliography B0031352
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