Citation - New York Weekly Journal: 1737.04.11

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Index Entry Ball, in Antigua, site of Negro plot against white population 
Location Antigua 
11 Apr 1737:11 (178)
Further continuation of the report begun in our No. 176.
concerning the Negro plot, at Antigoa.
The method first proposed for executing the plot, was that
Tomboy should procure the making of the seats at a great
ball, at which they know all the people of note, in the
island, would be present by your Excellency's invitation,
and which was intended to be had the 11th of October last,
being the anniversary of his present Majesty's coronation;
and he was o [to?] contrive the having a quantity of gun-
powder in the house; and when the company was dancing, fire
was to be set to three trains, upon the notice of firing a
gun and beating a drum, which were a notice also to the
Negroe musician, and attendants (who were to be let into the
secret) first to depart: . . .  [15 lines]  But the ball
upon notices sent by your Excellency's order before the 11th
of October, was but off to the 30th, being his Majesty's
birth-day.  This occasioned a meeting and a warm debate
among the principal conspitators, whether or no they should
execute their plot, by immediately falling on with fire and
sword, or wait for the ball. . . [222 more lines about plot,
punishment, involvement and non-involvement of particular

Generic Title New York Weekly Journal 
Date 1737.04.11 
Publisher Zenger, John Peter 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1737 
Bibliography B0031299
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