Citation - New York Weekly Journal: 1736.03.29

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Index Entry Chorus, vocal parts, different opinions of men likened to 
Location New York 
29 Mar 1736:12 (125)
[From a letter beginning:] I observe that your Gazette, is
of late become a kind of vehicle, to convey to us the
improvements that some gentlemen have made upon religious
schemes . . . [46 lines] If they would love as brethren,
putting on charity which is the bond of perfectness,
whereunto they are called in one body: Their different
opinions (in lesser matters) would be no more disadvantage
to the church of Christ, than the different parts or
different voices, are in the chorus of musick. . . [27
lines] especially in that admirable christian vertue,
charity; without which all other things are but as a
"sounding brass, and a tinkling cymbal." . . . [33 more

Generic Title New York Weekly Journal 
Date 1736.03.29 
Publisher Zenger, John Peter 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1736 
Bibliography B0031246
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