Citation - New York Weekly Journal: 1734.08.19

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Index Entry Drummer, in Ohre, as messenger, sent to inquire about casualty 
Location Ohre 
19 Aug 1734:41 (42)
[Foreign Affairs; report from Ohre] Yesterday morning the
28th, 4 regiments of the Russian dragoons and 3 of foot
marched out of the retrenchment, with musick playing before
them: on the right wing were 5 pieces of cannon; as soon as
prayers were over, they made three running fires. . . [25
All the officers that were in the attack, had the same
regimental cloathing; but a person was found among the dead,
who had an olive coloured westcoat richly laced with silver;
the French were very eager to see their dead and prisoners;
and a drum sent by them enquired principally after one Capt.
Plelo, who had a yellow silk wastecoat, laced with silver,
having, to prevent mistakes, a written note of his name, and
the description of his cloaths.

Generic Title New York Weekly Journal 
Date 1734.08.19 
Publisher Zenger, John Peter 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1734 
Bibliography B0031163
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