Citation - New York Packet-New York: 1783.11.20

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Index Entry Drums, in Besancon, beat during ceremony of St Suaire 
Location Besancon 
20 Nov 1783:21 (334)
From Lloyd's Evening Post.  The following curious catholic
ceremony is extracted from those elegant letters lately
published under the title of "The American Wanderer," said
to have been written by a Mr. Lee.
  St. Suaire is the holy handkerchief with which Christ
wiped his face during his sufferings upon the cross. . .
[long column on ceremonies and miracles at church of St.
John in Besancon.]
  There was one person only who persented herself to St.
Suaire; a handsome country girl, about seventeen.  The
Archbishop surrounded by his Canons, now appeared in the
gallery, in their blue silk capes, fac'd with red taffety,
the dress of the order.  The Bishop unfurled the holy
handkerchief, which yet retained the spots of blood
impressed upon it by Jesus Christ, while the drums beat, the
music struck up, and awe, reverence and eager expectation
beamed in the faces of the devout. . . [description of the
application of handkerchief to the girl]
  The possessed lady remained placid and composed; she even
attended to the fleurettes of a young urchin of an officer
in the King's Regiment, the son of the Duke de N---s; This
profane rogue would make love to her, tickle her, flatter
her; she seemed to listen, nothing loath to his attentions;
would even laugh, and totally forget the part it became her
to play, until the roll of the drum, and the fluttering of
St. Suaire, again disturbed the devil within her; she would
then reiterate her murmers and groans. . . 

Generic Title New York Packet-New York 
Date 1783.11.20 
Publisher Loudon, Samuel 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1783 
Bibliography B0031110
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