Citation - New York Mercury (Lewis): 1781.03.16

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Index Entry Band of music, in New York, to play for St Patrick's Day at Roubalet's 
Location New York 
16 Mar 1781:32 (81)
St. Patrick's Day.  To-morrow being the anniversary of the
titular saint of Ireland, a number of gentlemen of that
nation propose dining at Roubalet's Tavern, where a green
turtle will be dressed, and every thing necessary to
constitute  a salubrious dinner provided.--Gentlemen who are
inclined to join the company are  requested to give in their
names at the bar, this day.  A band of music will attend. 
Dinner on the table at half past three o'clock.

Generic Title New York Mercury (Lewis) 
Date 1781.03.16 
Publisher Lewis, William 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1781 
Bibliography B0030768
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