Citation - New York Mercury (Gaine): 1783.07.21

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Index Entry Ball, in Cape Francois, given by Don Bernardo de Galvez for Prince William 
Location Cape Francois 
21 Jul 1783:134 (1657)
From the Gazette de la Havanna, April 25, 1783.  Extract of
a letter from Cape Francois, dated the 6th instant.  "The
English squadron commanded by Admiral Hood, appeared
yesterday off this port, and anchored in our road, that
Prince William Henry who was on board, might satisfy his
desire of seeing this island, and the French and Spanish
generals.  Upon his landing the general of the French troops
received him with military honours. . . [5 more lines] In
the evening there was a most splendid ball at his [Don
Bernardo de Galvez's] house, of which Lady Galvez did the
honours with that peculiar grace by which she is so
eminently distinguished. . . "[86 more lines giving exchange
of correspondence between Galvez and Prince William Henry,
then a reprint of the subsequent article in the Havanna
Gazette] "We know very well, that if we were to give every
particular of the conduct of the Prince, and of the
principal officers, during the short period of two days. . .
"[5 more lines] "the colours of the dresses of the ladies,
who began and who closed the ball, the number of individuals
who were there, their ages and their sexes, what partner
such a one and such another danced with. . . "[5 final

Generic Title New York Mercury (Gaine) 
Date 1783.07.21 
Publisher Gaine, Hugh 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1783 
Bibliography B0030727
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