Citation - New York Mercury (Gaine): 1779.09.20

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Index Entry Bells, in New York, not to be rung on ships in harbor, except for fire 
Location New York 
20 Sep 1779:13 (1457)
By James Pattison, Esq; Major-General of his Majesty's
forces, and Commandant of New-York, &c.&c.&c. Regulations
established for the security of the ships and vessels lying
at the different wharfs on the East and North-Rivers. . . [8
regulations; IV] No bells are to be rung in any of the
vessels lying in the East River, either by day or night,
except when danger is discovered by fire. . . [instructions
for fire fighting follows. These regulations are reprinted
from time to time.]

Generic Title New York Mercury (Gaine) 
Date 1779.09.20 
Publisher Gaine, Hugh 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1779 
Bibliography B0030525
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